Seattle Public Library

Sunday I went to the Seattle Public Library downtown. It's one of the most interesting buildings in the city, architecturally, at least to me. Although I'm sure others would agree. This marked the Seattle Flickr groups third stroll of the year, we try to do at least one a month. The strolls are a great way to mingle, take some photos and ultimately see a place in a variety of ways.Along with my iPhone I took my recently acquired Zero Image Pinhole Camera. I have more to shoot on the roll, so unfortunately I don't haven those images to share, but I do have some iPhone images.View from the highest point, looking down. Taken with an iPhone4s, edited with Snapseed

20130217-231500.jpgSome angles....


20130217-231642.jpgSome fun on the escalators... Captured with Slow Shutter Cam

20130217-231744.jpgThe red floor...

20130217-231832.jpgAnd here's a fun snap with two of my friends, Jana and Stephen!

20130217-231921.jpgAll in all a fun filled day with friends, photography and a stop into Fado for a pint and a bite. How was your Sunday?~ kate


alki beach in march


2012 - a year in pictures