500px Fujifilm Global Photo Walk 2015: Chicago


Presently I'm doing a road trip from Seattle towards Florida (and back...) The trip will be somewhere around 8,000 miles. Along the way I was able to visit some friends in Chicago and participate in the 500px Fujfilm Global Photo Walk 2015.I've lead and attended photowalks in Seattle and New York, but this was my first time doing the 500px - Fujifilm walk and I really enjoyed it. There were around 100-125 people that I think showed up for our walk, which is a great turn out, and it was a clear day in Chicago, and warm... quite warm.We began the journey at the Cloudgate (affectionately known as "the Bean!"), from there we walked towards Navy Pier.I found that I mostly captured the photo walkers, and a few elements of Chicago, so most of the images you'll see are attendees and the Photo Walk Leader: David J Crewe, as well an awesome rep from Fujifilm, Cy the Fuji guy!

Here's the awesome group panorama, I snapped this on the iPhone 6+ while David was setting up a Fuji XT-1 on a tripod to get the group shot.

File Sep 29, 15 27 07

Speaking of Fuji, all of these images were captured with the Fuji XT-1 and the 35mm f/1.4 Lens. All edited in Lightroom to be made black and white.

0922_KHH_Chicago_0080922_KHH_Chicago_0620922_KHH_Chicago_0890922_KHH_Chicago_1350922_KHH_Chicago_1450922_KHH_Chicago_1530922_KHH_Chicago_157This last one is David, of David J Crewe Photography, he's one cool cat!

This is my favourite image from the day, thus far. I'm still editing the images from the XT-1 that aren't "behind the scenes" images.

21549224209_186c93636a_zI'm super grateful as 500px have shared this image on their Instagram and Twitter feeds since the event. Such a great day!Look for more stories from the road and some announcements too!~ kate


Giving Thanks


Apple Event 2015: the Toys I Want!