Cliffs of Moher

When was the last time you felt like you were going to be blown away by the wind trying to “get that shot”?I have and I can come up with two specific dates in the past two months. One in Portchester, England and the other in Liscannor, Ireland, at the Cliffs of Moher.After our recent trip to Clonakilty and the south coast of Ireland, I was heading west to Liscannor, with Susan and Neill as a park of that longer road trip. Our route took us near the ocean on a few occasions, and being photographers we had to stop periodically to capture images and video of the beaches and towns.Once we arrived, we weren’t prepared for the gates to the park being closed. Well technically closed, “due to weather conditions”. Closed meant there was no one manning the parking area or the park entrance. But we found our way in, as many others had, parked and grabbed our gear.Once we stepped out of the car, we realised why the area was closed. It was windy. And I don’t mean “Chicago Windy City” Windy, I mean “hello there’s about to be a hurricane” windy. We all bundled up as best we could and started the trek from the car, along the path and eventually making our way up the steps to the impressive views. I feel I should add, there were multiple occasions where I felt my legs going out from under me. It’s honestly hard to describe, the wind was so fierce we had to lean into it, really, lean into it! I even found myself looking for things to hold on to so that I didn’t land on my arse.In the battle with the wind, we were victorious! We didn’t let it take us down, not one bit. After our trek to the top view point, we all took a moment to breathe, while hiding behind a wall protected from the wind. When we caught our breath, we started snapping away. Yep, snapping, I said it. You do it too, you know you do, we all do when we’re travelling, especially to new places. ;-) Using both my iPhone and my Fuji, I captured images of the Cliffs and a bit of a castle. The sky was amazing with the cloudiness, with the sun breaking through.I’ll stop writing now and let you look at the pretty photos ;).But before I do… I must add, if you ever go to Ireland, make an effort to see with with your own eyes. A truly natural wonder of the world.~ kateSusan and Neill capturing video and images. 2015_0331_Ireland_051-Edit2015_0331_Ireland_0692015_0331_Ireland_073-EditIMG_1785A note on the images. The first four were captured with the Fuji XT-1 and edited in Lightroom 4.The final image was captured on the iPhone6+ and edited with the Snapseed app.


Quick Tip: Composition - Horizon, keep it straight buddy!


Quick Tip: IFTTT